Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Activists Attack Catholics And Protestants

By Bill Donohue, Catholic League president

Catholics and Protestants who take their religion seriously have long been the target of dissidents in their ranks who seek to manipulate public opinion. The malcontents were quite busy over the weekend. 

On Sunday evening, a man entered a Catholic church in San Francisco, took Communion, but did not consume the consecrated Host. When a man who was in attendance confronted the culprit, he was knocked unconscious; a knife was pulled on him as well. The offender jumped in his car and the police (after responding to a 911 call) chased after him. The man threw pipe bombs at the cops. He was arrested after he crashed his car. 

Also on Sunday, the Allendale United Methodist Church in St. Petersburg, Florida hosted a “Drag Gospel Worship”; it was meant as a statement against Gov. Ron DeSantis’ opposition to drag queen events for children. Several drag queens (men dressed as women) were there, and one was dressed as a Jesus look-alike. Kids were explicitly welcomed. On the church’s website it lists pro-abortion and pro-transgender activities, including a bail fund for pro-abortion activists. 

Catholics for Choice is an anti-Catholic letterhead (it has no members) funded by the establishment (e.g. the Ford Foundation, the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Institute). It has taken out billboards in Ohio promoting the lie that it is okay to be Catholic and pro-abortion; this stunt is designed to affect public opinion in an upcoming referendum on abortion. But it is no more legitimate for Catholics to publicly boast their support for child abuse in the womb than it is to publicly state their support for racial discrimination. 

A pastor at the First Congregational United Church of Christ (a left-wing Christian entity) is telling his flock that it is okay to be pro-abortion and a Christian in good standing. He says abortion is a “personal decision” that should reflect one’s own conscience. The same is true of racial discrimination, yet no one invokes conscience rights as a defense for Christians to support it. 

It’s always about sex. The passion to affirm abortion and the radical LGBT agenda is as strong as it is depraved. Worse, left-wing Catholics and Protestants are desperately trying to legitimate their deeds by telling the public it is okay to adopt their causes. While they have considerable media support, serious Christians know them as the charlatans that they are.  

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