Saturday, June 8, 2024

The TLM is not a cult

By Deacon Mike Manno

          After a three-week vacation from writing – more about that later – I’m having a hard time getting my writing sea-legs under me. However, I have been aided by several things that I took note of during that period.

          The main one was an outgrowth of the story about the Kansas City Chiefs’ kicker Harrison Butker, a devout Catholic who gave the commencement address at the graduation ceremony for Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas. He said a lot of things in that speech and I’ll cut to the quick on that: I heartily agree with all he said. It is nice to see someone who is not afraid to speak the truth when all around him will not.

          But the message of his talk is not what concerns me, nor is the reaction of the general public. Let’s face it, in today’s society you either agree with common sense and the traditional values, both civic and religious, upon which our great nation was founded, or you don’t. The truth of his message was laid out for all to see, even if many are blind to it.

          My concern was a comment made by a host on ABC’s daytime television program The View. While discussing the pros and cons of Butker’s message, they noted that he was a traditional Catholic who worships at and participates in the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). Then one of the ladies opined that TLM participants were members of a cult.

          Members of a cult? Apparently the geniuses at ABC are willing to use the network to classify traditional Catholics as cultists. What an insult, but it is much more than that, it is a gross ignorance that is being used today to undermine traditional Catholic beliefs, and ABC ought to be condemned for allowing itself to be used to spread such trash by bigoted simpletons who know no better.

          As a deacon who participates in both the Novus Ordo and the TLM Masses each week at my parish, let me make it perfectly clear that the TLM folks are not members of a cult. Our TLM parishioners are overwhelmingly decent honest people who wish to worship our creator as our fathers and grandfathers for generations did.

          Back in June of 2022 I wrote of my admiration for the Latin Mass and those who took part in it, especially the number of younger persons who attended, husband, wife, and children, all attended as a family. No one was dressed down, that is no baseball shirts and blue jeans; all were dressed as if they were going to be in the presence of someone special, not as if they were taking in a Mass just before a Little League practice.

          And the kids: boys were in good clothing, many wore ties and the girls were dressed like young women aspiring to be ladies. Many of the younger girls were dressed as if ready to receive their First Communion.

          The Communion ritual was more formal than used currently in most Novus Ordo Masses. All knelt at the Communion Rail to accept the host on the tongue. No simple “Body of Christ” announcement, the priest or deacon says “Corpus Domini nostri Iesu Christi custodiat animam tuam in vitam aeternam. Amen.” Translated, “May the body of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve your soul for life everlasting. Amen.” 

          I asked back in that June 2022 column: So why was an agnostic [a friend I was writing about] so attracted to the Latin Mass that his deepest desire is to become Catholic? I think it is for the same reason men showed up with ties, little girls in dresses, and little boys clamoring to serve as acolytes, and young families making the Latin parish its parish of choice.”

          And I answered: “It is that for 2,000 years the Church has brought people to God by using all their senses. Everything that is done is clearly done for the glory of the Almighty, from the architecture to the music, stained glass, Gregorian chant, and incense. It is not that a lot of folks understand Latin, it is that the whole package combines to bring, as my friend noted, the presence of God to any with an open heart.”

          Of course in the intervening time from that column to this one several prominent attacks on the Latin Mass have been initiated, as if the view of the ABC executives is taking hold in high places. First is the ongoing effort within the Church itself to curb, and apparently to eliminate, the TLM. The second has been the attack on the TLM by the federal government, through the FBI to characterize it as The View did, as a cult.

          The initial report by the FBI suggested that TLM adherents are prone to right-wing white-supremacist views which are easily coopted to the advantage of domestic terrorists. Why? It’s because those traditional Catholic faithful won’t be bought off by society’s progressive left-wing and insist on a traditionally pure form of liturturgal worship as befits their religious views. And that is a threat to those who have spent the better part of their lives and careers trying to undermine the Word of God and their use of government assistance in trying to achieve a more socialistic society.

          But that won’t work. This may be a hard slog but we’ve read the end of the book and we know who wins.


          Now I did want to mention my unexpected three-week vacation. Truthfully it wasn’t much of a vacation: no travel, no recreation, and no relaxation. It was work.

          Several months ago my wife and I decided to redo the flooring in the first floor of our house. We chose a nice wood laminate flooring to replace the old carpet which had seen better days. To our surprise the materials we ordered came in rather quickly and we didn’t have the luxury to gradually move our stuff.

          So we spent the first week moving out all the small things to other areas of the house. Then all the furniture had to be moved to the garage, and we needed to purchase new items. Finally came the installation and the process of reversing everything and putting all back which, at this writing, is almost done.

          Nice vacation, huh?   

          (You can reach Mike at: and listen to him every weekend on Faith On Trial or podcast at

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