Monday, September 12, 2022

Why are college grads so superstitious?

By Catholic League president Bill Donohue

Surveys on a range of issues show that college students and graduates are by far the most likely to succumb to current superstitions. 

Up until just recently, it would never occur to a pollster to survey the public on whether or not men can become pregnant. But we are witnessing lightening change in our culture, thanks to the savants who man (is that offensive?) higher education. As it turns out, white, college-educated female Democrats are the most likely to believe that men can become pregnant, with 36 percent answering affirmatively. 

Similarly, only now are pollsters asking if someone can change his sex. Almost 4 in 10 (38 percent) believe this is possible. Who are the most likely to believe this superstition? Those with a college education or more: 45 percent believe this to be true. 

What else is going through the minds of college-educated people these days? Do they believe that some UFOs are actually alien spacecraft? The gap is closing between those who are college graduates, those with some college, and those with no college; indeed it is statistically insignificant. 

In the two-year period between August 2019 and July 2021, among those with a college degree, the figures jumped from 27 percent believing this to be true to 37 percent; among those with some college, the figures went from 40 percent to 49 percent; among those with no college, the figures were 35 percent in 2019 and 39 percent in 2021. 

What are college graduates reading that makes them so superstitious? Not much. The largest decline in the number of books read is posted by college graduates. Between 2002-2016, there was a 2.6 percent decrease in the average number of books read among all adults; the percent decrease for college grads was 6.5. Why read books when social media is so exciting? 

College students are another breed altogether. A survey released a year ago found that 77 percent said the pandemic heightened their levels of emotional distress and anxiety. That explains why they love masks—it gives them a sense of security. 

The poll found that 70 percent of college students who were enrolled at institutions that did not have mask mandates said they planned to wear a face mask on campus anyway. While they would say that their fondness for masks helped them deal with their anxiety, a more sober analysis might reveal that it was symptomatic, if not a cause, of it. 

College kids are not happy campers. Almost 80 percent supported Black Lives Matter, the rip-off entity that did absolutely nothing for blacks but much for its operatives, while sowing the seeds of division nationwide. No wonder that college graduates, who have benefited the most from America, are also the least patriotic, as reported by Gallup. 

It’s hard to dislodge superstitions. It’s particularly hard when those promoting them have academic titles. 

Let’s not forget who else believes that men can become pregnant and women can become men: The President of the United States. Indeed, his administration will punish you if you disagree (e.g., HHS guidelines forcing Catholic doctors and hospitals to perform sex-reassignment surgeries). 

Current superstitions are not only chic in the White House, those who work for Biden are prepared to punish Catholics who do not swallow their moonshine.

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