Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Pro-Abortion Protesters Turn Violent

By Catholic League president Bill Donohue: 

Violence is what defines abortion, and it often defines the behavior of those who champion its cause. 

Following the release of the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, protesters on both sides of the issue took to the streets. In most cases, they were peaceful. When it came to violence, however, the pro-abortion protesters dominated. 

We found two incidents where pro-life protesters turned violent. On June 24, a man in Cedar Rapids, Iowa drove his pickup truck into a group of pro-abortion protesters; no one was seriously hurt. On the same day, in Providence, Rhode Island, an off-duty police officer punched a pro-abortion activist in the face. 

We tallied 16 instances of violence done by pro-abortion protesters. 

June 24, 2022—Pro-abortion radicals attacked Life Choices, a crisis pregnancy center in Longmont, Colorado, causing fire and smoke damage. Additionally, the radicals spray painted "Bans off our bodies" and "If abortions aren't safe neither are you" on the clinic. 

June 24, 2022—Pro-abortion radicals spray painted "Pro Choice," "Separation [sic] Btwn Church + State," and "Keep Yu [sic] Laws Off My Body" on Guardian Angel Church in Brooklyn, New York. 

June 24, 2022—Pro-abortion radicals defaced a statue and sanctuary dedicated to the unborn victims of abortion at the Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church in Algiers, Louisiana.  

June 25, 2022—A pro-abortion mob of about 100 people damaged Mother + Child Education Center, a crisis pregnancy clinic, and several other businesses and vehicles in Portland, Oregon. 

June 25, 2022— Pro-abortion radicals affiliated with Jane's Revenge, a domestic terrorist network which uses violence to promote abortions, spray painted "Your time is up" and "We're coming for U" on LifeChoice Pregnancy Center in Winter Haven, Florida. 

June 25, 2022— Pro-abortion radicals affiliated with Jane's Revenge broke several windows and spray painted the Tree of Life Pregnancy Center in Paso Robles, California. 

June 25, 2022— Pro-abortion radicals broke windows and spray painted "If abortion aint safe you aint safe" on Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center in Lynchburg, Virginia. 

June 25, 2022— Pro-abortion radicals caused nearly $30,000 in damages by breaking seven stained glassed windows and stealing money from several collection boxes at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Renton, Washington. 

June 25, 2022— Pro-abortion radicals vandalized a memorial cross for aborted babies in South Bend, Indiana. 

June 26, 2022— Pro-abortion radicals affiliated with Jane's Revenge spray painted "If abortions aren't safe neither are you xoxo Jane" on the sign of All Saints parish in Portland, Oregon. 

June 26, 2022—A pro-abortion arsonist burnt down St. Colman Catholic Church in Beaver, West Virginia. 

June 26, 2022—Pro-abortion radicals toppled a statue of the Virgin Mary and stole two statues of angels from St. Anthony's Catholic Church in Harlingen, Texas. 

June 26, 2022—Pro-abortion radicals attempted to set fire to St. John Neumann Catholic Community Church in Reston, Virginia. Additionally, the radicals vandalized the church's entrance with graffiti. 

June 26, 2022—Pro-abortion radicals defaced Heart to Heart Pregnancy Center in Cortez, Colorado. 

June 27, 2022—Pro-abortion graffiti was discovered on the doors of the Church of the Ascension in New York, New York. 

June 27, 2022—Pro-abortion radicals vandalized the sign of St. Therese of the Little Flower Catholic Church in South Bend, Indiana. 

Most of those who work in the mainstream media are pro-abortion, and enthusiastically so. As such, they have little interest in flagging the violence that marks protesters on their side. We will continue to track these incidents at the Catholic League and will contact the authorities—we already have—about the need to take action. 

We can't help but notice that all the churches targeted were Catholic. That is a backhanded compliment to the moral authority of the Catholic Church.

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