Thursday, January 20, 2022

Scary program today: Government intimidation of Christians?

This week’s (1-20) Faith On Trial program should put the fear of God into practicing Christians who may soon find themselves answering for their religious beliefs to officials of the Biden Administration. Our guest was Sarah Parshall Perry, legal fellow for the Meese Center for legal

Sarah Perry
and judicial studies for the Heritage Foundation.

She outlined for our listeners how the Biden Administration started slowly gathering personal religious information from government employees who asked for an exemption from President Biden’s vaccine mandate. Some of the information collected included religious beliefs, how long they were held, religious practices, and physical descriptions including any identifying physical characteristics.

Why does the government want that information? What will they do with it? One of the chief characteristics of those applying for the vaccine exemption is that they are mostly conservative Christians who are objecting to the vaccine due to its ties to a fetal cell line originated from an aborted baby.

You can listen to the entire program here

FOT airs on Iowa Catholic Radio every Thursday morning at 9:30 CT on 1150 AM, and 94.5 FM, Des Moines; and 90.9 FM in Creston and 88.5 FM Adel. The program also streams on where you can also listen to broadcasts you may have missed.

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