Friday, November 22, 2024

Father loses fight to stop his ex-wife castrating their 12-year-old son

 'I lost all parental rights to my sons. Goodbye, boys,' Jeff Younger wrote on X (formerly Twitter). 'California Judge Juhas gave my ex-wife authority to castrate my son, James.'

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LifeSiteNews) — A California judge has permanently stripped parental rights from Texas father Jeffrey Younger over his refusal to allow his 12-year-old son to be chemically and surgically castrated at the wish of the boy’s mom.

“I lost all parental rights to my sons. Goodbye, boys,” Younger wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

“Perhaps, we will meet when you are adults. California Judge [Mark] Juhas gave my ex-wife authority to castrate my son, James,” Younger wrote.

The ruling may be the end of a battle spanning back to at least 2018. Despite Younger and his twin sons living in Texas, the state supreme court allowed his wife to take the kids to California.

Younger and Anne Georgulas have been locked in a legal battle over the mother’s attempts to raise their boy James as a “girl” named “Luna,” including surgically and chemically transforming his body to more closely resemble this imposed “gender identity.”

As LifeSiteNews has reported, Younger has consistently stressed that his son’s gender confusion has been inflicted on him by Georgulas despite the boy’s own inclinations. Younger, who has incurred hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees in his effort to protect his son, is raising money for legal, expert witness, and other expenses.

As LifeSiteNews previously reported, Younger’s ex-wife Anne Georgulas moved herself and James to radically pro-transgender California and, in January 2023, the Texas Supreme Court voted 8-1 to allow them to remain there despite Jeffrey’s objections, claiming not to see any reason the previous court order preventing her from unilaterally “transitioning” their son would not be followed – despite California having by that point enacted a law to make the denial of cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and “transition” surgeries a form of “child abuse and abandonment.”

“All contact with my boys must be supervised. I won’t do that. I send letters and gifts to my sons,” Younger wrote on X yesterday. “My ex is not required to give them to the boys. I cannot post pictures of my sons. Let my story be a cautionary one for young men.”

“Fathers have no rights to their children. Do not enter the family law system,” he wrote.

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