Monday, August 16, 2021

Behind The Grisly Pitt Panther

By Deacon Mike Manno

(The Wanderer) – I don’t know if I speak for everyone, but I do think that most of us take pride in the institutions from which we have graduated. That may be a little more difficult when one of those institution is a Jesuit college, but I manage and hope that you do, too.
And like many of you I happily wear T-shirts and sweatshirts emblazoned with their names and images of their mascot — yes, even the blue jay!

Anyway I thought of that this morning when I read from several sources that the University of Pittsburgh would like to become the distribution hub for fetal parts. I don’t know what kind of mascot it has for that, but I don’t think I’d wear it, even though the school, I guess to show its “wokeness,” is claiming that its baby part business will conform to strict racial quotas.

Judicial Watch and the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) have reported that they have received public records from the National Institutes for Health (NIH) about government-sponsored fetal experimentation at the University of Pittsburgh. According to David Daleiden, founder and president of the Center for Medical Progress:

“The NIH grant application for just one of Pitt’s numerous experiments with aborted infants reads like an episode of American Horror Story. Infants in the womb, some old enough to be viable, are being aborted alive and killed for organ harvesting, in order to bring in millions of dollars in taxpayer funding for Pitt and the Planned Parenthood abortion business it supports. People are outraged by such disregard for the lives of the vulnerable. Law enforcement and public officials should act immediately to bring the next Kermit Gosnell to justice under the law.”

According to the report, the NIH was the subject of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted by CMP over a year ago. When the requested documents were not produced, Judicial Watch went to court on behalf of CMI to demand them.

The documents finally produced include the university’s original grant application from 2015 to become the fetal tissue distribution hub for the Genito-Urinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project (GUDMAP). In its application, Pitt touts its “over 18 years of experience” collecting fetal body parts from aborted babies and suggests that its existing fetal tissue collections “can be significantly ramped up.”

In a grisly reminder of Kermit Gosnell, Pitt’s application boasts of its ability to minimize “ischemia time” — that is, according to the NIH, “the time a tissue, organ, or body part remains at body temperature after its blood supply has been reduced or cut off but before it is cooled or reconnected to a blood supply.”

The university, in its application says, “We record the warm ischemic time on our samples and take steps to keep it at a minimum to ensure the highest quality biological specimens. We get feedback from our users and utilize this feedback to tailor our collection processes on a case-by-case basis to maximize the needs of investigators.” In other words, the school is stating that it is proficient in keeping the fetal body parts at or close to body temperature.

Which means that in reference to a whole body fetus, where the heartbeat and blood circulation continue in a labor-induced abortion, “the fetus is being delivered while still alive and the cause of death is the removal of its organs,” according to CMP.
Judicial Watch says that the documents from Pitt reveal, among other things, the following:

“The aims of the project listed in the original 2015 proposal were to ‘develop a pipeline’ to the acquisition, quality control, and distribution of human genitourinary [urinary and genital organs and functions] samples obtained throughout development (6-42 weeks gestation)…[and] generate an ongoing resource to distribute fresh developmental human genitourinary samples from various stages (6-42 weeks) to the GUDMAP.

“In the proposal, Pitt notes that it has been ‘collecting fetal tissue for over 10 years . . . include[ing] liver, heart, gonads, legs, brain, genitourinary tissues including kidneys, ureters, and bladders.’

“Pitt noted in 2015 ‘we have disbursed over 300 fresh samples collected from 77 cases. The collections can be significantly ramped up as material could have been accrued from as many as 725 cases last year.’

“Pitt boasts it has a number of internal connections as well as a ‘strong working relationship with UPMC [University of Pittsburgh Medical Center] and the Department of Pathology’ as well as three ‘laboratories in the flagship UPMC hospitals.’ This includes a lab boasting a ‘Butcherboy band saw for sectioning bone,’ and a ‘frozen section room has digital video feed to and from the operating rooms. This also allows for instantaneous discussions with the surgeons as well [as] immediate “show and tell” for them.’ The proposal ironically also boasts about the laboratories at the ‘Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.’

“The Pitt scientists note that, ‘All fetal tissue is collected through a collaborative process including Family Planning, Obstetrics, and Pathology.’ And that, ‘the numbers of consents and collections has been steadily increasing…and we are in an excellent position to expand our services to include the needs of the GUDMAP Atlas projects.’

“Pitt anticipated ‘being able to harvest and distribute quality tissue and cells…[and] do not anticipate any major problems related to the acquisition and distribution of the tissues.’

“Pitt’s target goal ‘is to have available a minimum of 5 cases (tissues and if possible other biologicals) per week of gestational age for ages 6-42 weeks.’

“Pitt’s proposal requested more than $3.2 million over a five-year period. The documents show NIH has funded at least $2.7 million so far for Pitt’s human fetal tissue harvesting and hub.”

Additionally, the university also states in its application that its harvesting program will include “Inclusion (or exclusion) of individuals on the basis of sex/gender, race, and ethnicity.” It claims that it will use only white “patients” for half of its “inventory” and of the other half of what it calls “minority patients,” half of those will be black.

“These documents show taxpayer money is being used to turn the University of Pittsburgh is a one-stop human fetal tissue shop — from procuring the tissue from elective abortions, ‘subdividing’ the human remains, to distributing and shipping the harvested tissue,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. 

Yeah, somehow, even if I went there, I wouldn’t want to wear a Pitt sweatshirt. The Jesuits are starting to look a lot better right now!

(You can reach Mike at: and listen to him every Thursday at 10 a.m. Central on Faith On Trial on

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