Friday, September 30, 2022

Federal Court Rejects Attack on Multi-Faith Invocations

New Orleans, LA— Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld Texas Judge Wayne Mack’s practice of recognizing volunteer chaplains—including Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, and Christian religious leaders—who sometimes open court sessions with a brief invocation.  First Liberty Institute and the law firm of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP represent Mack.

A copy of the opinion can be read here.

“The Fifth Circuit rightly concluded that Judge Mack’s brief ceremony respects a rich historical tradition of opening judicial proceedings with an invocation,” said Bradley Hubbard, the Gibson Dunn attorney who argued the case in April.  “As the Court explained, the ‘history, character, and context’ of Judge Mack’s ceremony ‘show that it is no establishment at all.’”

“I am eternally grateful to the judges on the Fifth Circuit who upheld this historical practice,” said Judge Mack.  “I look forward to continuing to serve the people of Montgomery County.”

“America has a rich tradition of opening public meetings—including judicial proceedings—with an invocation,” Jeremy Dys, Senior Counsel for First Liberty, said.  “Welcoming a volunteer chaplain to lead an invocation according to the tradition of his or her faith reflects the very best of our nation’s values.”

In July 2021, the Fifth Circuit issued a stay permitting Judge Mack, a Montgomery County Justice of the Peace, to continue allowing volunteer chaplains to offer invocations at the start of his court sessions while a lawsuit against him is considered.

Mack, whose duties include serving as a coroner for Montgomery County, created a volunteer chaplaincy program, which includes leaders from a diverse array of faith traditions, to aid members of the community while he conducts independent death investigations.  In his role as Justice of the Peace, Judge Mack allows the multi-faith, volunteer chaplains to open his courtroom ceremonies with a brief invocation and the pledge of allegiance in order to honor their service.

Religion Clause: California Governor Signs New Laws Protecting Abor...

Yesterday California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a package of 13 additional bills to strengthen abortion rights in the state.  According to a press release from his office, these laws will:

"further protect people from legal retaliation and prohibit law enforcement and corporations from cooperating with out-of-state entities regarding lawful abortions in California, while also expanding access to contraception and abortion providers in California."

The press release details each of the new laws.

California attacks on parents’ rights under the guise of medical care

In the last decade and a half, a silent pandemic has spread among American youth: gender dysphoria and a radical medical experiment billed as its proper treatment. California is now poised to become a super-spreader—and confused children and their parents across the country will be the victims. Gender dysphoria is a feeling of alienation between one's internal sense of "gender" and one's biological sex. Such feelings tend to resolve in 80 to 95 percent of kids if they are allowed to go through puberty unimpeded. But now, many kids are being fast-tracked to permanent body alterations called "gender affirming care." This epidemic of the mind and spirit is not spread by contact or close quarters but by social media "influencers" and ideologues who have captured schools, medical groups, and state legislatures. In many states, teachers and government officials will encourage a child's claimed "gender identity"—whatever that child's sex—even behind parents' backs.

Litigation Could Change Election Procedures in Key Battleground State

Litigation in Pennsylvania could change election procedures in one of the most closely watched battleground states in the country. In 2020, Joe Biden won Pennsylvania by about 80,000 votes statewide, beating Donald Trump’s 2016 victory margin in the state by about 45,000 votes. This year, the seats of outgoing Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, and outgoing Sen. Pat Toomey, a Republican, are up for grabs in the Nov. 8 elections. Here’s a look at three key lawsuits brought in September in the commonwealth. 

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Gov. Reynolds joins five states in lawsuit challenging Biden’s authority to cancel student loan debt

DES MOINES -- Today, Governor Kim Reynolds and five other states filed a challenge to the Biden Administration’s mass debt cancellation in federal court in Missouri. Today’s challenge asks the Court for an immediate temporary restraining order to pause the program because the Biden Administration has indicated it will start canceling loan balances as early as next week.    

“A significant majority of Americans have already paid off their student loans or chose not to pursue a higher education degree at all,” said Gov. Reynolds. “By forcing them to pay for other people’s loans – regardless of income – President Biden’s mass debt cancellation punishes these Americans and belittles the path they chose. This expensive, unlawful plan is an insult to working people and must be stopped.” 

Determined to pursue across-the-board debt cancellation and stymied by repeated failures to achieve that goal through legislation, the Biden Administration has resorted to the now-concluded COVID-19 pandemic and a federal law that applies in the context of military operations or national emergencies as its justification for taking this dramatic action. No statute permits President Biden to unilaterally relieve millions of individuals from their obligation to pay loans they voluntarily assumed.    

This burden of economic loss will do little to benefit the working class and the poor. It is fundamentally unfair for those who can least afford it to provide through their tax dollars relief to the well-off who can afford to pay their own loans.  

States joining in the filing include Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and South Carolina. 

Heritage Expert on SCOTUS’ key cases for upcoming term

On Faith On Trial this week Heritage expert John Malcolm joins us to discuss several of what he calls the “key” cases the court will hear in its new term that starts next week. Listen here for the full program, and while there you can easily check out the programs you may have missed. John Malcolm is the Heritage Foundation’s vice president for Constitutional government. He is one of many prominent attorneys and experts that visit with us each Thursday at 9:30 a.m. CT on Iowa Catholic Radio.

To understand Montpelier’s leftist turn, follow the money

If conservatives refuse to engage and ignore spaces like Montpelier, we leave that void to be filled by others: in more places. The National Trust oversees 27 historical sites, and Rubenstein recently gave $10 million to the National Park Foundation for new exhibits at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial that will bring an “inclusive spirit” and “provide a broader, more multi-faceted understanding of President Jefferson’s impact.” The project at Montpelier, aided by the above individuals and organizations, has been ambitious. They have restored Mr. Madison’s mansion to tear down our history. The American story is not one based on slavery and oppression but a chronicle of striving toward freedom against the odds dictated by the history of humanity, of the contributions of generations that moved us toward a fuller realization of our principles. James Madison was an essential actor in that story. He deserves better at Montpelier.

FBI, Justice Department Twist Federal Law to Arrest, Charge Pro-Life Activist

Perhaps the more important number is 91. That’s how many days elapsed between the day the Supreme Court issued its decision in Dobbs and Houck’s indictment. Or maybe it’s 49—the number of days between Houck’s indictment and the mid-term elections. And why did the Justice Department decide to send armed FBI agents to Houck’s house in a show of force? Houck has no criminal record, is a man of faith, and is the father of seven children. He is no threat whatsoever.  Contrast this prosecution with the fact that vandals physically have attacked and damaged roughly 70 pro-life pregnancy centers, which also are protected under the FACE Act’s definition of a facility that “provides reproductive health services.” So why hasn’t the Justice Department filed a single FACE Act indictment against anyone for those crimes? Clearly, the leadership of the FBI and the Justice Department should be asked these and other important questions surrounding this case, as well as their lack of action against real threats.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

September 29, the feast of St. Michael the Archangel:

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who roam about the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Pro-Life Dad Pleads Not Guilty After Dramatic FBI Arrest

CV NEWS FEED // Mark Houck, a Pennsylvania pro-life leader and Catholic father of seven, pleaded not guilty to felony charges in federal court on Tuesday.

Thomas More Society Vice President and Senior Counsel Peter Breen, who represented Houck, “said the case already made its way through the state court process and was thrown out but that the Biden Department of Justice took up the matter nearly a year later as a form of ‘political prosecution,’” Fox News reported:

“If he was truly a danger to the community, they wouldn’t have waited a year to prosecute,” Breen … said outside the courthouse. “Serious questions need to be asked of the attorney general. What was he thinking? Why did they do this obscene show of force against a peaceful pillar of the community?”

Breen also pointed out that the arrest “put officers’ lives in danger,” put the “Houck family in danger,” and “was an utter waste of judicial resources and taxpayer resources.”

“This is a political prosecution,” Breen said:

And what’s clear from the Department of Justice at its highest levels, which is directing this case, [is] that they are trying to send a message to pro-life and people of faith: “Don’t mess with us.” They want to intimidate — they want to cause good people like Mark to stop praying and counseling at the abortion clinics of our country. And that’s not going to happen.

Houck was arrested by a team of at least 20 armed agents in the early hours of Friday morning. Agents nearly broke into the Houck family’s home, pointed guns at Houck’s head, and shouted aggressively during the arrest, according to Houck’s wife, who says their children witnessed the whole scene and were deeply traumatized.

Houck was then charged with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, a felony, nearly a year ago, when Houck shoved away a so-called “patient escort” who was harassing his 12-year-old son outside of a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood clinic, according to Houck family spokesman Brian Middleton.

The German Church Could Have Stopped Hitler But Didn’t. What Must We Learn From That Scandal? - The Stream

The German Church Could Have Stopped Hitler But Didn’t. What Must We Learn From That Scandal? - The Stream: Author Eric Metaxas joins James Robison and John Zmirak of The Stream to discuss Metaxas' new book 'Letter to the American Church.'

The rise of the “Nones” and Heaven help us

By Deacon Mike Manno

(The Wanderer) – Every week, either here or on my radio program, I feature stories that, when taken together, reveal a rather sharp decline in the civic and cultural mores of the day. Growing up in the 50s and early 60s, I don’t think too many folks were concerned about their children being accosted by teachers and librarians trying to “open” their minds to sexual pleasure, or the possibility that your little kiddie might be in the wrong sex.

It was a different time where most people went to church on Sunday and at least professed a faith in a “higher power,” and tried to set their conduct so as to at least reflect that belief, even if they — like all of us — sometimes had difficulty living up to that standard.

Yet as we headed into the 60s things seemed to change. Of course to the older generations, to which I am not a part, the 30s or 40s might have seemed just as dramatic as what I saw from my high school vantage point. The timing, I guess, can be debated, but what I see cannot.

Our culture has degraded, and leading that degrade is the sense of family and our responsibilities, both collectively and individually, to those who depend on us the most, leaving family and children as a seemingly part-time obligation. With that, of course, comes not only the loss of morals but the embrace of an anti-moral social agenda.

Look at the polls — half the country seems to embrace, or at least tolerate, that anti-agenda. We now accept the “grooming” (and that is the correct word) of our children by schools pushing an ideology of sexual dysfunction in the earliest grade levels. Abortion, the killing of the most innocent and vulnerable, is being touted by our “devout Catholic” president as a right that the government should mandate, and force compliance on disagreeing doctors, nurses, and hospitals.

Leaders of one of our great parties are now trying to outlaw our pro-life crisis pregnancy centers, yet we hear very little pushback from our clergy and religious leaders, too afraid of appearing to be “too” partisan or political. I can’t imagine Fulton Sheen being quiet if this had been happening in his midst.

Personally, while I think the degrading of our culture and morals is a many-factored hydra that spreads its tentacles throughout the culture, the root cause of this evil is the simple loss of religious faith. And if the recent report from the Pew Research Center is correct, or even close to it, that undermining source of our cultural decay is going to get worse.

In a report released on September 13, the Pew researchers found that while only a few decades ago Christianity was so common in America that the United States was undoubtedly a Christian society and as recently as the 1990s nearly ninety percent of U.S. adults identified as Christian.

“But today, about two-thirds of adults are Christians. The change in America’s religious composition is largely the result of large numbers of adults switching out of the religion in which they were raised to become religiously unaffiliated.” The report uses the word “switching” to represent those who left the religion in which they were raised to another religion or became unaffiliated with any religion, called “nones.”

“Whatever the deeper causes, religious disaffiliation in the U.S. is being fueled by switching patterns that started ‘snowballing’ from generation to generation in the 1990s,” it reported. Nones, it says, are gaining a lot more adherents than it is losing back to Christianity and in one of its possible scenarios has found that the nones will be a majority religious group by 2055.

One of the key findings in the report is that about a third of those dissatisfied with Christianity leave the faith in favor of the nones by the time they turn thirty.

“If the pace of switching before the age of thirty were to speed up throughout the projection period without any brakes, Christians would no longer be a majority by 2045. By 2055, the unaffiliated would make up the largest group (forty-six percent), ahead of Christians (forty-three percent). In 2070, fifty-two percent of Americans would be unaffiliated, while a little more than a third (thirty-five percent) would be Christian….

Depending on whether religious switching continues at recent rates, speeds up, or stops entirely, the projections show Christians of all ages shrinking from sixty-four percent to between a little more than half (fifty-four percent) and just above one-third (thirty-five percent) of all Americans by 2070. Over that same period, ‘nones’ would rise from the current thirty percent to somewhere between thirty-four percent and fifty-two percent of the U.S. population,” it said.

As part of its historical analysis the report states: “Switching gained significant momentum in the 1990s….In 1972 ninety percent identified as Christian and five percent were religiously unaffiliated. In the next two decades, the share of nones crept up slowly, reaching nine percent in 1993. But then disaffiliation started speeding up — in 1996, the share of unaffiliated Americans jumped to twelve percent and two years later it was fourteen percent. This growth has continued, and twenty-nine percent of Americans reportedly claim to have “no religion,” up from sixteen percent in 2007.

The report projected the nation’s religious composition to 2070 and by using historical trends has made some disturbing projections, the reliability of each depending on several factors such as projections of the numbers of “switchers,” migration patterns, birthrates, family dynamics, and other demographic changes.

Now, what does all this mean to truly devout Catholics and Christians in the United States? Have most of our fellow citizens found the faith unsatisfactory and failing to meet our needs? Have we become so jaded that we no longer need God and have become our own redeemer? Has our “quickie” culture with a disposable ideology torn us away from what life really means?

I’m not sure I know the answers to all these things, but I do know that we will fail as a Godly kingdom if we don’t make a serious effort to stem the flood of secularism. Some will look at the answer in political activity, others will take a less confrontational path; but what I do know is that our faith and families should be the most important things in our lives and if we don’t cater to that we might as well throw in the towel right now.

Regardless of how steep the hurdle is we need to find our way over it. But we need all hands on deck, not just the activists or prayer warriors, but everyone including our clergymen, pastors, bishops, and church leaders.

This is not a fight against other men, it is a fight against powers and principalities that can only be won through the power of God.

In 1886, after celebrating his morning Mass, Pope Leo XIII heard a terrifying conversation between Satan and God in which Satan boasted that he needed only a century to defeat the Church. God granted him the time, and horrified, the Pope drafted a prayer which he ordered recited after every Low Mass worldwide.

That prayer was said by the Church continually from 1886 to 1964. Notice the date it ceased. Here is that prayer:

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who roam about the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

In this time of great division and uncertainty, we might restart that tradition whether or not your parish does, and talk to your pastor if it does not. And it would be nice if each Catholic family had a remembrance of St. Michael, a statue or icon, place in a prominent place in your home. We’ve turned to St. Michael before, let’s go back again.

Remember, our enemies are not men but powers and principalities. This week is St. Michael’s feast day and a good time to renew the call.

(You can reach Mike at: and listen to his radio program at which always closes with the prayer to St. Michael.)


Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Italy elects conservative Catholic mother as PM

Outspoken conservative Catholic Giorgia Meloni on Monday won Italy’s vote and became the first woman to be elected prime minister of the nation. The popularity of her party, the Brothers of Italy, has accelerated in the wake of draconian COVID policies, economic woes, and globalist rhetoric from Italian elites. “Italy chose us,” Meloni said in her victory speech. “We will not betray it.” 

Physician Assistant Fired by Michigan Health Because She Requested Religious Accommodation for Her Beliefs about Gender

Grand Rapids, MI—First Liberty Institute sent a demand letter to University of Michigan Health – West and University of Michigan Health (collectively, “Michigan Health”) on behalf of Valerie Kloosterman, a physician assistant terminated after she sought a religious accommodation from referring patients for sex-obscuring procedures and experimental drugs, and from using biology-obscuring pronouns.  

You can read the letter here.

“It’s bad medicine to force religious health care professionals to choose between their faith and their job,” said Jordan Pratt, Senior Counsel for First Liberty Institute. “Valerie provides excellent medical care for every patient, but she cannot in good conscience refer patients for experimental drugs and procedures that violate both her religious convictions and her medical judgment. Nor can she use biology-obscuring pronouns that violate her religious beliefs and could cause patients to miss potentially life-saving screenings. It is intolerant of Michigan Health to demand that medical professionals like Valerie abandon their religious beliefs and their medical ethics in order to remain employed.”  

As the third generation in her family to work in her local health care system, Kloosterman served her community for 17 years at Michigan Health.  She regularly received exemplary reviews, and supervisors called her “professional,” “very ethical,” and a “pleasure to work with.”  She treated all her patients respectfully, regardless of their background, sexual orientation, or declared gender.  In summer 2021, after mandatory “diversity and inclusion” training, she asked for a religious accommodation because she could not affirm statements about transgender medical procedures, nor could she participate by referring patients for sex-obscuring surgeries or using pronouns that conflicted with human biology.  During follow-up meetings, a Michigan Health diversity representative called Kloosterman “evil,” blamed her for gender dysphoria-related suicides, and told her she could not take the Bible or her religious beliefs to work with her.  Less than a month later, she was fired. 

In their letter, First Liberty attorneys explain why Michigan Health violated several laws that protect religious conscience, including the First Amendment: “Michigan Health’s decisionmakers expressed even more blatantly unconstitutional religious animus against Ms. Kloosterman than the religious animus that the [Supreme] Court sharply condemned in Masterpiece Cakeshop.” Michigan Health also violated the Free Exercise Clause “when it accommodated the independent medical judgment of other providers but not the religious beliefs or medical judgment of Ms. Kloosterman.” For example, other doctors could refuse to prescribe opioids or diet pills without making referrals because of their personal beliefs and their medical judgment—but not Ms. Kloosterman when it came to her religious beliefs and her medical judgment concerning far less commonly requested drugs and procedures.


About First Liberty Institute

First Liberty Institute is a non-profit public interest law firm and the largest legal organization in the nation dedicated exclusively to defending religious freedom for all Americans.

Gavin Newsom’s Demonic Behavior

By Catholic League president Bill Donohue

Any man who helps to kill his mother is capable of invoking the Bible to justify killing children. That man is California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

On September 15, he tweeted, “To any woman seeking an abortion in these anti-freedom states: CA will defend your right to make decisions about your health.”

This was a master spin job. States that pass laws protecting the right of an unborn baby to enjoy the freedoms guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence, which includes the unalienable right to life, are labeled “anti-freedom.” Moreover, pregnant women who agree to abort their baby are, according to Newsom, making decisions about their own health, not decisions about the health of their baby.

Newsom didn’t settle for a tweet. On social media he showed pictures of billboards going up in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Indiana, Ohio, South Carolina, and South Dakota. “Texas doesn’t own your body” is an example. A total of 18 pro-abortion billboards are being erected.

As vile as these billboards are, they are nothing compared to the ones slated for Mississippi and Oklahoma. Those billboards include a passage from Scripture: “Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these.” Mark 12:31

This is not in bad taste—it is demonic. To advertise in other states for women to come to California to have their children killed—in the name of God—is demonic.

This is not the first time Newsom has engaged in behavior that can properly be called evil.

In May, 2002, his mother decided to end her life via assisted suicide. Newsom recalled, “She left me a message, because I was too busy. ‘Hope you’re well. Next Wednesday will be the last day for me. Hope you can make it.’”

According to his sister, Hilary, who has a cassette of what was said, he was consumed with his own well-being, not his mother’s. After he crossed his arms and jammed his hands into his armpits, he said, “I have P.T.S.D., and this is bringing it all back.” It was all about himself.

Newsom explained his role in his mother’s death with aplomb. “The night before we gave her the drugs, I cooked her dinner, hard-boiled eggs, and she told me, ‘Get out of politics.’ She was worried about the stress on me.”

This account has been ignored by the media. If anyone doubts the veracity of this macabre story, click here (see the bottom of p. 8). The New Yorker is hardly a right-wing source.

Ordinarily, it’s a nice gesture when a son cooks dinner for his ailing mother. But what kind of man cooks dinner for his mother before putting her down? The same kind of man who invokes the Bible to entice women from out of state to come to California to get rid of their unborn babies.

If these acts aren’t demonic, the word has no meaning. 

Contact the executive secretary to Gov. Newsom, Jim DeBoo:

Monday, September 26, 2022

AFL Demands Idaho School District Follow the Law and Obtain Parental Consent Before Implementing Woke SEL Curriculum

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Last week, America First Legal (AFL) sent a letter to the Coeur d’Alene School District in Idaho to stop implementation of its new Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum titled “Sources of Strength” for young children in grades K-5 without prior parental notice and consent in compliance with federal and state laws. 

Like most SEL programs, “Sources of Strength” is designed to elicit information about children’s attitudes, habits, traits, opinions, beliefs or feelings, and then to affect their behavior, emotions, or attitudes. 

Also like nearly all other SEL programs, “Sources of Strength” is unrelated to academic instruction.  

Implementation of “Sources of Strength” and other SEL curricula without both full transparency and prior written consent from each child’s parent or guardian violates the federal Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment, securing parental rights against state encroachment, and Idaho state parental rights laws. Also, “Sources of Strength” promotes itself as a healthcare program providing mental health services, including diagnosis and treatment, to limit suicide and bullying. However, Idaho law prohibits an unlicensed person from providing healthcare or engaging in the practice of medicine, and provides for criminal and civil penalties to deter violations.  

AFL always stands with parents fighting to protect their children.    

Statement from America First Legal Senior Advisor, Ian Prior: 

The function of public education in America is to provide a solid foundation for children in core academic subjects like math, science, reading, writing, and history; it is not to usurp the role and rights of parents on the moral upbringing of their children. The actions of the Coeur d’Alene School District demonstrate a clear failure to understand these roles as well as an abdication of its responsibility under both federal and state law. America First Legal will continue to hold these school systems accountable for its blatant disregard of parental rights,” said Ian Prior. 

Read the letter here.

Follow the AFL on social media to get the latest updates on all the battles by America First Legal undertakes to protect your constitutional rights!

FBI Duplicity Demands A Probe says Catholic League President

The SWAT team arrest of a pro-life activist from Pennsylvania, coupled with the FBI’s passive response to violence committed by abortion-rights activists, explains Catholic League President Bill Donohue’s request for an investigation.

September 26, 2022

Hon. Chuck Grassley

135 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Grassley:

In your role as the Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I am asking you to convene an investigation, and/or a hearing, on the FBI’s behavior regarding pro-life and abortion-rights activists. There seems to be much interest in pursuing alleged wrongdoing by pro-life activists, yet little interest in pursuing alleged wrongdoing by abortion-rights activists. Bias of this kind is politically motivated and must stop.

To be specific, on September 23, Mark Houck, a pro-life activist from Kintnersville, Pennsylvania was arrested by some two dozen SWAT team agents—they came to his house with guns drawn—on grounds that he assaulted an abortion-rights patient escort at a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Philadelphia on October 13, 2021. He is being charged with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE).

Houck says he shoved a man who had been harassing his 12-year-old son in front of the clinic during one of his sidewalk counseling sessions. The charges were reportedly dismissed by the District Court in Philadelphia.

I am not in a position to judge the veracity of the account offered by the FBI or Houck. But it surely seems that the FBI overreacted in its handling of this matter. Houck had seven children at home as the SWAT team pounded on his door, showing up fully armored, yelling at him to open it.

This kind of overreaction for a minor infraction of the law is deeply troubling, and it becomes even more troubling when paired with the underreaction by the Department of Justice when the pro-life side is targeted.

On June 17, 2022, I wrote to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland asking him to “immediately deploy the full resources of the Department of Justice to apprehend and prosecute domestic terrorists who have recently attacked Catholic individuals, vandalized Catholic churches and torched Catholic-operated crisis pregnancy centers.”

I provided Attorney General Garland with specifics. “We have witnessed a rash of vandalism against Catholic churches, firebombings of crisis pregnancy centers (many of which are run by Catholics), Masses being interrupted, illegal protests outside the homes of Catholic Supreme Court Justices, and an attempted murder of one of the Catholic Justices.” I explicitly cited the work of Jane’s Revenge.

On June 29, we published a list of 16 instances of violence committed by abortion-rights protesters. We now have a list of dozens of Catholic entities, mostly churches, that have been vandalized or otherwise desecrated. (See the attachments.)

Not only did I not receive a response from the attorney general, there have been no news stories on SWAT teams crashing the homes of abortion-rights terrorists. Yet there have been many instances of violence that make “shoving” someone look like child’s play.

I implore you to get to the bottom of this duplicity.


William A. Donohue, Ph.D.


cc: Members of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees

Friday, September 23, 2022

Next FOT: 9 Key Cases Supreme Court Will Hear

It will be tough—if not impossible—for the Supreme Court to top the 2021-22 term when it comes to both drama and results that pleased the conservative legal community (not to mention conservatives in general).  As I wrote elsewhere in July at the end of the term, “[t]he three words that best describe the Supreme Court’s decisions this term are text, history, and tradition. If that’s one word too many, try this: Originalism Rules! And that’s a good thing.”But for SCOTUS fans—and who isn’t one?—there will be plenty of excitement during the term that begins on Oct. 3.  On Sept. 27, my Heritage Foundation colleague Zack Smith will host our Supreme Court preview of the 2022-23 term with former U.S. Solicitor General Paul Clement and former acting U.S. Solicitor General Jeff Wall. You can register for the event here.  Although the Supreme Court will no doubt agree to hear more cases following its “long conference” when it considers the certiorari petitions that were filed during the summer, there are already several big cases on its docket for what promises to be another blockbuster term. Here’s a brief description of a few of them. Heritage expert: John Malcolm

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Bill could protect women’s centers

Reps. Chris Smith, R-NJ, and Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-WA, introduced a bill Tuesday to protect pro-life pregnancy centers against a surge in violent attacks by pro-abortion terrorists. “Despite dire threats and horrific attacks, the selfless volunteers and medical professionals who serve at these pregnancy care centers continue to heroically provide life-affirming medical care and crucial material support to pregnant women in need,” said Smith. “We must ensure that those who work at these centers and the women who rely on them for support are safe from violent extremists who seek to inflict harm and terror.” 

This weekend in Des Moines


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Saturday and Sunday September 24 & 25

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This week on Faith On Trial keeping libraries safe for kids:

Dan Kleinman of Safe Libraries tells us what to watch for and what to do to protect your children.

Faith On Trial airs every Thursday morning live at 9:30 CT on or follow the link for all programs.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Sweet Cakes By Melissa

By Deacon Mike Manno

(The Wanderer) – It seems, sometimes, that we have entered into a permanent crazy season that keeps getting worse and worse. And the hallmark of that season is the growing cultural chasm that has gripped our nation.

When I studied journalism and first entered that profession the rules were fairly defined: politics was a fairly rough game but it could be played by friendly advisories who, at least, were willing to give a more-or-less grudging respect to their opponents, and while the issues of the day could provoke sharp debate, they were overshadowed by those issues to which all Americans of good faith could agree.

That’s not true today. Somehow society has fostered a growing divide in American life that will take years to patch, if it ever does. And where did this divide originate? Well, my guess is that we won’t find that answer for several decades when a group of clear-minded sociologists (if that’s not an oxymoron) are finally able to explain this bit of our history to our grandchildren … or maybe our great-grandchildren.

So while the final answer evades us at this time, let me offer a theory about what widened the breach to the point we are at and where even our president has no tolerance for disagreement and will roundly condemn those who disagree with him. Of course it happens on the other side, too, but for some reason most of the vitriol seems to come from the president’s side.

Let me venture a guess as to why this is happening. It is because our political disagreements have turned to cultural disagreements which have turned political, and worse, legal.

Let me explain this way: I think the story of Melissa and Aaron Klein is a good representation of what has happened.

The Kleins owned and operated a bakery in Oregon called “Sweet Cakes by Melissa.” She designed and baked custom wedding cakes, among other things, and he delivered them to the appropriate wedding venues at the designated time. They were both devout Christians who believed in the biblical view of that institution: one man and one woman.

In January of 2013 Melissa and Aaron were approached by a same-sex couple, Rachel Cryer and Lauren Bowman, who asked if they could order a wedding cake for their upcoming nuptial. The initial contact was made by Rachel and her mother. When the Kleins explained why they could not do so, Rachel and her mother left. Mom, however, returned later and tried to reason with Aaron, calling this a “teaching moment” since her own belief about marriage, her “truth” about the subject, had changed.

Aaron quoted Scripture back, “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination,” which later came back to haunt the case. Four days later Rachel and her mother met with another baker and arranged for a wedding cake.

Despite the fact that the cake was quickly procured at another venue, Rachel filed a complaint with the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) claiming that the Kleins violated the state public accommodation law by refusing to bake their cake. The agency, rejecting the Kleins’ First Amendment defenses of Free Speech and Religious Freedom, held against them, and ordered them to stop discriminating, and entered judgment against them for $75,000 and $60,000, respectively, for Rachel and her partner.

The Kleins appealed claiming the agency action was motivated in part by religious bias but the court of appeals rejected their arguments, and confirmed the monetary judgment against them. An appeal to the state supreme court failed when the court refused to hear the case.

An appeal went to the U.S. Supreme Court which vacated the court of appeals judgment and remanded the case back to the state courts to re-consider it in light of its ruling in the case of Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Civil Rights Commission, and to make a determination on the Kleins’ claim of religious discrimination and animus by BOLI.

Masterpiece was a Colorado case in which a baker was found to have a protected right to refuse to bake a same-sex wedding cake. We’ll come back to Masterpiece in a moment, but for now that sounded like it should have ended the Kleins’ legal problems.

But that was not to be. The case went back to the Oregon state courts to determine if there had been any religious animus on the part of BOLI. On remand the court of appeals concluded that the only religious animus was citing Aaron’s use of the biblical statement about lying with a man as you would a woman. Once again the state supreme court denied review.

On remand to the agency, BOLI reduced the cash judgment only.
Earlier this month the Kleins filed another appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court in which they hope that the court will issue a definitive ruling in their favor, since the state court and BOLI seem to be unwilling to drop the matter.

Which now brings us back to Masterpiece. Shortly after its victory in the top court, another litigant tried another approach to persecute Masterpiece’s owner, Jack Phillips. This time an individual asked the baker to create a gender transition cake with the colors blue and pink to signify — and celebrate — the client’s sexual transition. Naturally the request was refused and naturally the Colorado civil rights commission found probable cause to open a new investigation against the bakery.

Now what does all this have to do with my thesis at the beginning of this column? It’s simple. You never saw this kind of vengeful legal action when society was only dealing with broken contracts, allegations of financial fraud, or other routine civil matters. But since the nation’s attention has been turned to cultural matters, those issues that cut to the heart of who we are, the lid of civility has come off.

You see this everywhere. In the wedding cases numerous bakers, photographers, printers, florists, and others have been chased and hounded by angry mobs seeking only to punish, and too often local and state officials help promote this conduct, which all too often resulted in the closing of the offending business, such as was done to Sweet Cakes by Melissa.

We now see repeated suits against Catholic hospitals who refuse to allow abortions or gender reassignment surgery to take place on their grounds.

Lawyers have faced discipline for refusing to represent certain litigants. Other professionals and tradesmen have been repeatedly attacked when they are only standing up for their God-given rights, rights that before this generation were universally considered sacred.

But that is not how much of society looks at these things anymore. Here the Kleins were not being thought of as being just wrong legally, they were evil oppressors who must be punished. Same with Jack Phillips and all the physicians, and trades people who simply refuse to do something against their conscience.

We are no longer dealing with rational people who are seeking to expand what they believe are their rights. We are dealing with civil avengers who will stoop to anything to have their way and to disparage the traditional ideals which they seek to replace, and to punish their “oppressors.”

They are seeking not only new rights but to fundamentally change the nature of society by rejecting the traditions of the past and foisting their counter cultural beliefs on the unsuspecting and a largely unwilling public.
The new rules become if you do not comply you do not deserve a place in our new society. We see this everywhere now.

The Marquess of Queensberry has left the field to the bare knuckle brawlers. Is there any wonder now why the division is so deep?

(You can reach Mike at: and listen to his weekly program at

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Joe Biden Will Turn VA Hospitals Into Abortion Centers Killing Babies -

Joe Biden Will Turn VA Hospitals Into Abortion Centers Killing Babies - Joe Biden announced today that his administration will illegally turn VA hospitals into abortion centers, in a move that breaks federal law. The Department of Veterans Affairs said Friday it plans to kill babies in abortions in cases of rape or incest or in cases where the mother’s life or health is in danger, even […]

Friday, September 16, 2022

Education Dept. says 'clerical error' deleted thousands of comments on Title IX 'gender identity' proposal

The Heritage Take: The Department of Education’s claim that the error in the number of comments is due to a clerical error doesn’t pass the smell test. Far more likely is that they don’t want the American people to know how unpopular this policy change is. The “comment” that the Department has offered as an explanation for its ‘clerical error’ which accounts for the drop in comment totals from 349,000 to 184,000 is actually an internal policy statement from 2013 from the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. We’re being led to believe that a 9 year-old internal policy document from a different agency under the Obama administration just happened to show up in the comment portal for the most controversial regulatory change in a generation and apparently accounts for a differential of 160,000 comments. American people deserve answers from the admin on this irregularity in the rulemaking process—one that is designed by law to be transparent for the benefit and protection of the people who will be most impacted by it: American parents, students, and taxpayers.

Abortion Myths: 6 Times You’ve Been Lied to

Thursday, September 15, 2022

This week on Faith On Trial:

Julie Blake, Alliance Defending Freedom, on the ongoing legal fight between the Christian College of the Ozarks and the Biden Administration.

Hear what the college is doing to protect its values against a woke interpretation of sex by the government.

Faith On Trial airs every Thursday morning at 9:30 CT on

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

1 in 4 Jesuit Catholic universities cover ‘gender-affirming treatment’

By Grace Shoemaker, The College Fix

At least seven of the 27 Catholic universities in the United States cover “gender-affirming treatment” in their student health plans, according to an analysis by The College Fix.

The coverage of these drugs and surgeries, which can include the permanent sterilization of fertility, is at odds with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Some universities do not offer student health plans, while others did not list the details of their insurance, so it is possible more campuses do pay for transgender drugs or surgeries.

“Gender-affirming treatment” as referenced in many health insurance policies, is a practice that supports transgenderism, the process of someone attempting to present themselves as the opposite sex by means of surgical or hormonal interventions.

Fordham University, for example, covers “[m]edically necessary surgical, hormone replacement therapy, and counseling,” according to the benefits summary document of a health insurance plan provided by Aetna. It also covers “elective abortions,” despite the Catholic Church’s stance against the killing of preborn babies.

The Fix emailed media representatives Jane Martinez and Bob Howe and the general press email on September 6 to ask for comment on the university’s coverage of procedures that contradict the Catholic Church but did not receive a response.

Boston College covers “breast reduction, breast augmentation, breast implants or breast prosthetic devices” only for the purposes of “gender affirming or gender dysphoria treatment,” according to an insurance certificate from Harvard Pilgrim HealthCare.

The Fix also sent an inquiry to the Archdiocese of Boston regarding the health insurance policies of Boston College, to which no response was received.

The Fix emailed media representatives Ed Hayward and Jack Dunn on September 6 to ask for comment on how the policy squares with the Catholic Church’s teaching as well as if the university believes someone can become the opposite sex. Neither responded.

A student health insurance plan of Saint Louis University covers “surgical, hormone replacement therapy, and counseling treatment” for “gender-affirming treatment” as does a plan by the University of Detroit Mercy.  Neither university responded to a September 6 email seeking comment.

University of San Francisco’s student health plan has the same coverage. Fairfield College covers a “gender transition benefit,” without further details.

The College Fix emailed Fairfield’s media relations team members Jennifer Anderson and Susan Cipollaro on September 12 to for more information on the “gender transition benefit” but did not receive a response. Nor did University of San Francisco’s media representative Kellie Samson respond to an email on September 12 that asked for more information on why the school covered transgender drugs and surgeries.

The Fix reached out to the Archdiocese of San Francisco and inquired about whether the diocese has spoken to the school administration regarding its policy on gender affirming care. The archdiocese responded saying that “the University of San Francisco is not affiliated with the Archdiocese of San Francisco” and directed all questions to the university.

Religion Clause: Christian University Trustees Sued Over LGBTQ Hiri...

Suit was filed this week in a Washington state trial court against six members of the Board of Trustees of Seattle-Pacific University challenging the University's policy of refusing to hire LGBTQ faculty or staff if they are in a same-sex marriage or a same-sex relationship.  The complaint (full text) in Guillot v. Whitehead, (WA Super. Ct., filed 9/11/2022), brought by a group of students, faculty and staff, alleges breach of fiduciary duty, fraud, negligent misrepresentation and interference with contractual relationships. It contends that "rogue" members of the University Board of Trustees have misled other Board members about the vote necessary to eliminate the hiring policy. The University, which was founded by the Free Methodist Church of North America, defines itself as a Christian university. One-third of its board members and its president must be members of the Free Methodist Church. The complaint alleges in part:

1. This case is about six men who act as if they, and the educational institution they are charged to protect, are above the law.

2. They are powerful men who use their positions, as trustees of Seattle Pacific University (“SPU”), to advance the interests of a religious denomination at the expense of the students, alumni, staff, and faculty of the university....

102. SPU is a university in crisis, stemming from the abusive leadership of entrenched interests who usurped control of the BOT to place it in service of sectarian-motivated LGBTQ+ discrimination....


Religion Clause: 6th Circuit Refuses To Stay Class-Wide Injunction ...

In Doster v. Kendall(6th Cir., Sept. 9, 2022), the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals refused to grant an emergency stay of a class-wide injunction that was issued by an Ohio federal district court in a suit by Air Force and Space Force members who object on religious grounds to receiving the COVID vaccine. The district court enjoined the military from taking enforcement measures, while litigation is pending, against service members who have submitted confirmed requests for a religious accommodation from the military's vaccine mandate. The 6th Circuit said in part:

[T]he Department challenges only the merits of the district court’s decision to certify the class—the Department’s position being that, even if the named plaintiffs are likely to prevail on their individual claims, the court’s certification of the class was an abuse of discretion, and thus so too was the court’s issuance of a class-wide preliminary injunction....

The Department ... argues that RFRA claims categorically cannot be certified for class treatment. Here, for example, it says that the plaintiffs’ RFRA claim requires the court to determine separately for each service member whether the vaccination mandate is the least restrictive means of furthering a compelling governmental interest. We agree that most RFRA claims require that kind of individualized analysis; and we have no quarrel with the Department’s contention that such an analysis could not be conducted class-wide here. But the Department’s argument misconceives the nature of the RFRA claim that the district court certified. The court’s order emphasized on almost every page that the RFRA claim it certified was one based on a class-wide “clear policy of discrimination against religious accommodation requests.” ... That claim ... does not turn on an analysis of the class members’ individual circumstances and likely can be adjudicated class-wide.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Why are college grads so superstitious?

By Catholic League president Bill Donohue

Surveys on a range of issues show that college students and graduates are by far the most likely to succumb to current superstitions. 

Up until just recently, it would never occur to a pollster to survey the public on whether or not men can become pregnant. But we are witnessing lightening change in our culture, thanks to the savants who man (is that offensive?) higher education. As it turns out, white, college-educated female Democrats are the most likely to believe that men can become pregnant, with 36 percent answering affirmatively. 

Similarly, only now are pollsters asking if someone can change his sex. Almost 4 in 10 (38 percent) believe this is possible. Who are the most likely to believe this superstition? Those with a college education or more: 45 percent believe this to be true. 

What else is going through the minds of college-educated people these days? Do they believe that some UFOs are actually alien spacecraft? The gap is closing between those who are college graduates, those with some college, and those with no college; indeed it is statistically insignificant. 

In the two-year period between August 2019 and July 2021, among those with a college degree, the figures jumped from 27 percent believing this to be true to 37 percent; among those with some college, the figures went from 40 percent to 49 percent; among those with no college, the figures were 35 percent in 2019 and 39 percent in 2021. 

What are college graduates reading that makes them so superstitious? Not much. The largest decline in the number of books read is posted by college graduates. Between 2002-2016, there was a 2.6 percent decrease in the average number of books read among all adults; the percent decrease for college grads was 6.5. Why read books when social media is so exciting? 

College students are another breed altogether. A survey released a year ago found that 77 percent said the pandemic heightened their levels of emotional distress and anxiety. That explains why they love masks—it gives them a sense of security. 

The poll found that 70 percent of college students who were enrolled at institutions that did not have mask mandates said they planned to wear a face mask on campus anyway. While they would say that their fondness for masks helped them deal with their anxiety, a more sober analysis might reveal that it was symptomatic, if not a cause, of it. 

College kids are not happy campers. Almost 80 percent supported Black Lives Matter, the rip-off entity that did absolutely nothing for blacks but much for its operatives, while sowing the seeds of division nationwide. No wonder that college graduates, who have benefited the most from America, are also the least patriotic, as reported by Gallup. 

It’s hard to dislodge superstitions. It’s particularly hard when those promoting them have academic titles. 

Let’s not forget who else believes that men can become pregnant and women can become men: The President of the United States. Indeed, his administration will punish you if you disagree (e.g., HHS guidelines forcing Catholic doctors and hospitals to perform sex-reassignment surgeries). 

Current superstitions are not only chic in the White House, those who work for Biden are prepared to punish Catholics who do not swallow their moonshine.

Biden produced a hellish sight on sacred ground

By Deacon Mike Manno

(The Wanderer) – I think by now we have all seen at least parts of Mr. President’s “Battle for the Soul of the Nation” address the other week from Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Since both of my parents were from Philly, I’m not a stranger to Independence Hall, although it has been a few years since I was last there.

The Independence Hall I remember was a stately building, well-kept and imposing, as fits its historical significance. I never thought of it before as a symbol of anything but our freedom and heritage, proudly reminding us of the ideals which we must carry forward.

As I traveled through Independence Hall and the adjacent buildings, I could almost see John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, Sam and John Adams, Roger Sherman, Richard Henry Lee, Charles Carroll, and Thomas Jefferson, among others, carefully placing their names on a document knowing that, if they failed, it would become their death warrant.

And in that building only a few years later men such as George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, James Wilson, Gouverneur Morris, and even the largely forgotten Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer built a foundation for a government — “a republic, if you can keep it” — that was destined to span the ages, at least until our time.

But listening to Mr. Biden on September 1, and seeing the optics his political advisers chose, I was enraged at a vision I thought I would never see in my lifetime. It was not America. With Marine guards standing behind the president, all were bathed in blood red shadows reminiscent of a horror show, my first impression was that all that was lacking was a military tunic for the president, fitted with an over-the-shoulder Sam Browne belt, and a Leni Riefenstahl film crew.

This was not America. This was not a soul worth saving.
Mr. Biden referred to his venue, Independence National Historical Park, as “sacred ground.” It is sacred ground. But our president on that day dishonored it, choosing to use the site for a fiercely partisan speech that condemned half of the American people, hurling pejoratives at those who disagree with him.

“Too much of what’s happening [in] our country today is not normal,” he cried in an accusatory tone that was as red as the background color. “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. . . . But there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country.”

The overriding tone, of course, was with the public’s help (read: that votes), Mr. Biden and his political allies could deliver the soul of America from the evil MAGA Republicans and back into the arms of democracy-loving Democrats where it will be safe for the ages.

“And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election. And they’re working right now, as I speak, in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.”

Okay, let’s stop right there. While there are many conflicting voices on what happened in the last election it is clear that something untoward did happen. Whether or not it was enough to change the outcome of the election was not, and probably will never be, a provable claim. Suspicion will abound for as long as the country exists and probably for long after; much like the controversies surrounding the JFK assassination and Jimmy Hoffa’s disappearance. Good people will differ without calling each other names.

But here it goes way beyond normal disagreements, debates, or argumentation. It borders on what psychologists might refer to as “projection,” which is the practice of attributing to another person one’s own failings. It is a tactic that is used by politicians all the time. I remember years ago a senatorial election in which the incumbent was challenged by a pro-life congressman. Campaigning in a heavily Catholic area of the state, the incumbent, a vocally pro-abortion Catholic, told a ladies’ group that he was the only true pro-life candidate in the race. He projected onto his opponent his failings as a pro-abortion candidate. I think if you look hard enough you’ll find things like that happening more than you might realize.

And add to that the politicians who with an evangelical zeal actually believe that those in the other party are not just wrong but evil. When you start putting that all together you can see where Mr. Biden is leading us: to place the blame for all of our country’s ills at the already damned feet of the unredeemable MAGA voter.

“Republicans,” he said, “[are] a clear and present danger to our democracy. . . . MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies. . . . They spread fear and lies — lies told for profit and power.”

MAGA Republicans were accused of even more: “They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.”

I am not an expert on political theory, nor am I even above average in understanding the psychological make-up of those politicians we might wish to study. But I do know a little bit about our Constitution, the freedoms it protects, and I think that Mr. Biden’s house has a bit too much glass to be throwing any stones.

I just hosted a radio program in which a religious freedom law firm is trying to protect Catholic hospitals and physicians, as well as others who are being told by Mr. Biden’s administration that they must provide or perform abortions against their deeply held religious beliefs. The same goes for transgender surgery, a procedure that is held to be morally reprehensible by many health-care workers of faith. Yet the government is working on a made-up interpretation of sex in civil rights law which now includes abortion and gender identity.

Is that authoritarianism?

How about the government that made a condition of employment that you receive a vaccine that many Christians refuse to take because of its ties to an aborted stem-cell line? We really don’t care about your religious beliefs, if you don’t accept our mandate you cannot work, was the response from, oh, let me guess, MAGA Republicans? I think not.

I’m not a fan of Joe (The Devout) Biden. He’s long ceased to be my cup of tea. My purpose is not to denigrate him but to point out how quickly our ideals can change and, like the child’s toy the kaleidoscope, each twist of the tube can change our view. You see, it is not necessarily what we can see is truth, but how it is presented to us; which way do we twist the tube?

What is the truth is what has proved to be true from age to age and perhaps people of faith have a better eye for this than many others. But the nearly indisputable fact is that what has proven to be true through history, what has been relied upon by our parents and grandparents has a more solid grounding in fact than fly-by-night ideas promulgated to win a political campaign.

The president spoke of finding our “higher angels.” Unfortunately you won’t find them in the hellish sight Mr. Biden produced on that sacred ground.

(You can reach Mike at: and listen to his weekly program at