By Deacon Mike Manno
Wanderer) – I am, what one would call, a cradle Catholic. I was born,
baptized, and sent to Catholic schools by parents who not only took their faith
seriously, they endeavored to instill that faith in me. For the most part, I
guess, it worked. I graduated from a Catholic high school and went to a Jesuit
I was Catholic. And later, at the suggestion of my family
and several parishioners, I began studying for the diaconate and was ordained.
Over the years I have developed a great love for the Church, its history, and
its teachings; and from early on I developed a great devotion to Our Blessed
Mother and spent much time researching her apparitions and the messages that
accompanied them.
I don’t know if it would be correct to call me a Catholic
nerd, but I am anything but an apostate.
Thus it saddens me to read daily stories of how the Church
and many of its leaders have undermined the faith of the laity; and how many of
that same laity are now in a not-so quiet rebellion against some of the most
fundamental teachings of the Church. Bishops are contradicting other bishops,
priests are being censored for speaking truth, and the faithful accepts lay
leadership that hasn’t the vaguest idea of what the Church is and what makes it
different from all other Christian dominations, and have no grasp of the rich
tradition and history that is the Catholic Church.
And, of course, I wonder why.
If you are a regular reader of this column, you’ve seen
some hints over the five or so years I’ve been writing this. So I’m going to
try to put it together in thumbnail fashion, starting with the answer: The
Prince of this World, also known as Satan. He’s known by many other names, but
Satan, or the devil, will do for our purposes.
He is successful today because he has found many helpmates
who have, by design or ignorance, behind the scenes wreaked havoc with the
Church we love. We know the devil has been busy trying to defeat the Church
since the time of the apostles, but lately it seems that he has turned up the
After the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century,
with its near-fatal blow to the Church in Europe, the movement began to
splinter into various cults. There was then an increasing voice for a “new
world order” based on natural — not spiritual — values. This new “religion” was
to replace Catholicism and was fostered through secret societies throughout the
Continent. The chief opponent of the Church was the Freemasons.
[In 1859 there was published a
secret document of the Italian Carbonari, an anti-clerical sect with connections
to Freemasonry, The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita. The
document, which fell into the hands of both Pius IX and Leo XIII, outlined the
Masonic plan to infiltrate the Church and to place one of their own or a
supporter on the Chair of Peter.]
(See for more
on the Freemasons and also the Alta
Then, one morning in 1884, during the papacy of Leo XIII,
the Pope appeared discombobulated and seemed to lose consciousness after saying
morning Mass. His aides came to his assistance and after the episode passed he
told them what had happened.
He said he had witnessed a conversation between God and
Satan during which Satan boasted that he would be able to destroy the Church if
only God would give him the time. God granted his request and gave him one
hundred years. The Pope then had a vision of Hell and saw the Archangel Michael
respond to prayers of the faithful. He penned the Prayer to St. Michael which
he directed should be recited after each Low Mass worldwide. That prayer was
recited until it was removed from its place during the reforms of Vatican II in
1964. Recently, there have been moves to restore it to its place, however.
Let’s move a bit further ahead in time. In 1904 Maria
Asunta Isabella Visono — later known as Bella Dodd — was born in Italy and was
soon taken to the United States. With a bright mind Bella graduated from
college, attended graduate school at Columbia, and finally received a law
degree from New York University. It was during her schooling that she left her
native Catholicism and ultimately became an adviser for the local teachers
union and finally a member of the Communist Party where she ultimately rose to
membership in the party’s national committee.
Dodd, who later reconverted to Catholicism and renounced
Communism, claimed that in the late 1920s and 1930s, in response to directives
that were sent from Moscow, the party was to place party members in seminaries
and Church organizations in order to destroy the Church from within. She also
claimed that she, herself, placed numerous fellow-travelers into U.S.
That’s all interesting to hear, a little scary, but
interesting. So, how does all this fit into what is going on now? Consider:
[Starting in 1624 Our Lady
appeared to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres in her convent in Quito, Ecuador
and, among other messages, told her, “Thus I make it known to you that from the end
of the 19th century and shortly after the middle of the 20th century… the
Catholic spirit will rapidly decay; the precious light of the faith will
gradually be extinguished…” The series of apparitions are known as the Our Lady
of Good Success.
1846 the Mother of God appeared to two children in La Salette, France. She told
the children: “Lucifer, with a great number of demons will be unchained from
Hell. By degrees they shall abolish the faith, even among persons consecrated
to God. …
abomination shall be seen in holy places, in convents, and then the demon shall
make himself the king of hearts. … Rome will lose the faith and become the seat
of the Antichrist.”
those who have read the Third Secret of Fatima (1917), including Archbishop
Carlo Maria Vigano, have stated that it concerns a great apostasy at the
highest levels of the Church. Cardinal Mario Ciappi, who read the Third Secret
and was personal papal theologian to Popes John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul
II, said, “In the Third Secret it is foretold, among other things, that the
great apostasy in the Church will begin at the top”]
In Akita, Japan, Mary told Sr. Agnes Sasagawa in 1973, “The
work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one
will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who
venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres…the Church will be
full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and
consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.”
(The Most Rev. John Shojiro Ito, bishop of Niigata,
recognized “the supernatural character of a series of mysterious events
concerning the statue of the Holy Mother Mary” and authorized “the veneration
of the Holy Mother of Akita” within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Niigata in a
1984 pastoral letter.)
Pope St. Pius X, seeing the Church under siege from
modernism, wrote in Pascendi Dominici
Gregis (Feeding the Lord’s Flock) in 1907:
“[T]hey put into operation their designs for [the Church’s]
undoing, not from without but from within. Hence, the danger is present almost
in the very veins and heart of the Church, whose injury is the more certain
from the very fact that their knowledge of Her is more intimate. Moreover, they
lay the ax not to the branches and shoots, but to the very root, that is, to
the faith and its deepest fibers.”
Pius XII warned, “I am worried by the Blessed Virgin’s
messages to Lucy of Fatima. This persistence of Mary about the dangers which
menace the Church is a Divine warning against the suicide of altering the
And of course there is Pope Paul VI’s comment in 1972 when
the 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae was
being rejected by priests, bishops, and the culture: “The smoke of Satan has
entered the Church.”
Of course I could go on but I think you get my point. Satan
is using every weapon available to him to infiltrate the Church to destroy it.
And we wonder now why there is so much confusion going on, why many bishops
won’t take firm stands on major doctrinal issues facing the Church, and instead
wish to “dialogue” with dissenters instead of insisting on orthodoxy.
And just what would we “dialogue” about? Questioning the
humanity of a baby in the womb? Discussing why a person can pick his gender and
change it at will? Or why your teen daughter is forced to shower with the boy
down the block after gym class? Is that what some call “relativism”?
Anyway, it’s time to take a stand and shoe the infiltrators
out. Bishops, clergy, and laity must hold fast to the universal truth of the
Catholic faith. It might not make us popular, but as Jesus said, if they hate
us it’s because they hated Him first. Kinda puts you in good company, doesn’t
(Items in brackets not included in original publication. You
can reach Mike at: and hear his radio program, Faith On Trial,
every Thursday at 10 a.m. Central, on