Thursday, May 7, 2020

Yesterday's National Day of Prayer Proclamation

Missed in the flood of developments, yesterday was National Day of Prayer. Here is the full text of President Trump's Proclamation which focused in large part on the COVID-19 crisis, saying in part:

"Today, as much as ever, our prayerful tradition continues as our Nation combats the coronavirus.  During the past weeks and months, our heads have bowed at places outside of our typical houses of worship, whispering in silent solitude for God to renew our spirit and carry us through unforeseen and seemingly unbearable hardships.  Even though we have been unable to gather together in fellowship with our church families, we are still connected through prayer and the calming reassurance that God will lead us through life’s many valleys.  In the midst of these trying and unprecedented times, we are reminded that just as those before us turned to God in their darkest hours, so must we seek His wisdom, strength, and healing hand.  We pray that He comforts those who have lost loved ones, heals those who are sick, strengthens those on the front lines, and reassures all Americans that through trust in Him, we can overcome all obstacles....

"I encourage all Americans to observe this day, reflecting on the blessings our Nation has received and the importance of prayer, with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities in their houses of worship, communities, and places of work, schools, and homes consistent with the White House’s “Guidelines for Opening up America Again.”

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